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Diptych:1. Smrznuta ptica, 2. Tržnica i golubovi / 1. Frozen Birds, 2. Market and Pigeons

Diptych:1. Smrznuta ptica, 2. Tržnica i golubovi / 1. Frozen Birds, 2. Market and Pigeons © EP 2021

an Chróit, 2013

Aicrileach ar chanbhás, 140 x 140 cm

Inscríbhinn: Tá an dá shaothar péintéireachta teidealta ina dteanga bhunaidh (ar uachtar) agus SÍNITHE (in íochtar ar dheis)

Ceannaithe ón ealaíontóir in 2013

Is duine toirmeascach é Boris Bućan a rinne an léiriú ar chleachtais agus ar aeistéiticí comhaimseartha a chur chun cinn ina thír dhúchais. Bhí sé i mbun staidéir ag Scoil na nEalaíon Feidhmeannach i Ságrab, ag Acadamh na nAmharc-Ealaíon i Liúibleána agus ag Acadamh na nEalaíon Plaisteach i Ságrab, áit ónar bhain sé céim amach in 1972. Mar bhall de ghlúin an Chleachtais Ealaíne Nua, d’fhéach Bućan le hardú céime a thabhairt don amharc-ealaín trí úsáid a bhaint as teicneolaíochtaí ceannródaíocha. Is é sin an t-údar, dá bhri sin, lena dhul i muinín na grianghrafadóireachta, grianghraif de dhéanamh Polaroid, fótachóipeanna, scannáin, dearadh físeáin agus dearadh grafach ar feadh a ghairmréime. Chabhraigh na huirlisí sin leis an ealaíontóir dul i mbun coimeádaíochta ar theanga amhairc nua a bhí lonnaithe in áit éigin idir íoróin na Pop-Ealaíne agus cáineadh institiúideach na gcleachtas Coincheapúil. Trí oiriúnú a dhéanamh ar na cóid fógraíochta, d’fhéadfadh saothar ealaíne Bućan an dánlann a fhágáil agus lonnú go nádúrtha ar shráideanna an phobail, áit inar léir go raibh luí aige leis. Bhí idirghabhálacha poiblí ríthábhachtach ó thaobh cháil an ealaíontóra de a bhuanú, amhail nuair a rinne sé pábháil sráide i lár Shágraib a dhathú gléghorm. Chun a chleachtas grafach a léiriú, bhain Bućan úsáid as lógónna agus siombailí an tomhaltachais chaipitlíoch, go simplí tríd an bhfocal ‘ealaín’ a chur in ionad ainmneacha branda. Leis an athrú seo, a bhí bunúsach ach a raibh tionchar ag baint leis freisin, ceistíodh an aidhm a bhi leis an dá íomha (an leagan bunaidh agus an leagan ealaíonta), agus cíoradh á dhéanamh ag an am céanna ar an gcóras dánlainne a bhí, diaidh ar ndiaidh, ag déanamh ‘earraí’ marsantacha de shaothair ealaíne. Cé go bhfuil diptic Pharlaimint na hEorpa ar chuid den saothar is déanaí a tháinig uaidh, tá a cholláis shuaitheanta ar an stíl ghrafach fós le tabhairt faoi deara go folaithe – leis an gcúlra neodrach, an pheirspictíocht sceabhach agus leis an úsáid a bhaintear as patrúin shrathacha.

Diptych:1. Smrznuta ptica, 2. Tržnica i golubovi / 1. Frozen Birds, 2. Market and Pigeons


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  • 2003

    Treaty of Nice

    The Treaty of Nice reforms EU institutions to allow for the EU enlargement to Eastern Europe. It further extends the application of codecision.

  • 2004

    2004 European elections

    Elections for the European parliament take place in 25 member states. The centre-right EPP-ED win 37% of the 736 seats.

    Josep Borrell

    Josep Borrell served as President of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2007.

    Eastern enlargement

    Ten countries, mostly from Eastern Europe, join the EU in the largest enlargement so far: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

  • 2007

    Hans-Gert Pöttering

    Hans-Gert Pöttering served as President of the European Parliament from 2007 to 2009.

    Acquisition programme

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Cyprus, Czechia and Estonia following the Bureau decision from 13 December 2006

    Enlargement: Bulgaria, Romania

    Bulgaria and Romania join the EU.

  • 2008

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Hungary and Latvia following the Bureau decision from 13 December 2006.

  • 2009

    2009 European elections

    In the seventh European elections voters from 27 countries elect 736 MEPs. The centre-right EPP retains its majority, taking about 36% of the seats, followed by the Socialists and Democrats with 25% and Liberals with 11%.

    Jerzy Buzek

    Jerzy Buzek served as President of the European Parliament from 2009 to 2012.

    Acquisition programme

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Poland and Lithuania following the Bureau decision from 13 December 2006

    Lisbon Treaty

    The Treaty of Lisbon completes the institutional reform of the EU and makes the Charter of Fundamental rights legally binding. The Parliament is put on an equal decision-making footing with EU governments in all but a few legal areas.

  • 2010

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Slovakia, Slovenia and Malta following the Bureau decision from 13 December 2006

  • 2011

    Acquisition programme

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Bulgaria and Romania following the Bureau decision from 13 December 2006

    (…) artistic trades constitute one of the pillars on which our cultural heritage and our economy rest (…) their continuity must therefore be safeguarded by means of appropriate mechanisms for passing on knowledge and skills, as emphasised in Parliament’s resolution of 10 April 2008 on cultural industries in Europe (…)

    European Parliament resolution of 12 May 2011 on unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries (2010/2156(INI))

    Establishment of a temporary rotating exhibition to mark rotating EU presidencies, starting from January 2011 (…)

    The exhibition would be organised by a rotating system following the changing of the EU presidencies. Every six months, the Artistic Committee would decide on a selection of 8 to 10 works of art from the Member State concerned(…) GEDA D (2010) 41679

  • 2012

    Martin Schulz

    Martin Schulz served as President of the European Parliament from 2012 to 2017.


    The Art@Europarl exhibition presents a small selection of 27 works, mostly paintings, by artists from 27 EU countries at the Parlamentarium, the Parliament’s visitors center. It’s the first time that the general public has direct access to part of the collection.

    The European Union gets Nobel Peace Prize

    The EU is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo for the contribution of Europeans to peace and reconciliation.

  • 2013

    Acquisition programme

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Croatia following the Bureau decision from 13 December 2006.

    Enlargement Croatia

    Croatia becomes the 28th member of the EU and newly-elected Croatian MEPs take their seats in the European Parliament.

  • 2014

    2014 European elections

    The eighth European elections take place in 28 EU countries. The European People’s Party (EPP) retains the largest political group in Parliament, but new parties gain influence. Turnout remains largely at 2009 level.

  • 2016

    Brexit referendum

    UK voters decide to support leaving the European Union in a closely-fought referendum called by UK Prime Minister David Cameron. The outcome of the referendum triggers the resignation of Cameron. His successor Theresa May pledges to take the UK out of the EU and initiates the process on 29 March 2017.

  • 2017

    Antonio Tajani

    Antonio Tajani served as President of the European Parliament from 2017 to 2019.

  • 2019

    David Sassoli

    David Sassoli served as President of the European Parliament from 2019 to 2022.

    Value of culture

    (…) the intrinsic value of culture and of artistic expression should always be preserved and promoted and that artistic creation is at the heart of cooperation projects. European Parliament legislative resolution of 28 March 2019 on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Creative Europe programme (2021 to 2027) and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1295/2013 (COM(2018)0366 – C8 0237/2018 – 2018/0190(COD))

    2019 European elections

    The European elections in May 2019 see about 51% of EU voters go to the polls, the highest turnout in 20 years. The centre-right European People’s Party and centre-left Social Democrats lose seats but remain the two largest groups in Parliament, while other centrist and liberal parties make gains.

  • 2020


    After the European Parliament ratified the withdrawal agreement on 29 January, the UK leaves the EU about three and a half years after voters supported the move in a referendum.

    As of 1 February, the number of EU member states is 27 and the term of office of UK MEPs ends. The number of MEPs is 705 (previously 751), as some of the UK seats are allocated to existing member states to reflect demographic changes, while others are kept in reserve for when another country joins the EU.

  • 2021

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Germany, Poland, Spain and Sweden following the Bureau decision from 25 November 2019

  • 2022

    European Year of Youth 2022

    2022 is the European Year of Youth! A perfect opportunity to highlight the European youth’s important role in shaping a greener, more inclusive and digital future.

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Czechia, Italy, Malta and Slovakia following the Bureau decision from 25 November 2019

    Roberta Metsola

    Roberta Metsola serves as President of the European Parliament since January 2022

  • 2023

    Croatia joins the euro area

    Croatia is the 20th country to join the euro area, replacing the kuna with the euro as its currency. In order to be part of the euro area, a country has to fulfill a set of economic conditions, which include having a stable exchange rate and a low inflation rate. Seven EU countries still use their national currencies: Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Sweden.

    Acquisition programme of works of art from Cyprus, Estonia, Malta, Romania and The Netherlands following the Bureau decision from 25 November 2019