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Intérieur de Serre

Intérieur de Serre © EP 2021

Francija, 1981

Audekls, akrils, 116 x 81 cm

paraksts un datums (apakšējā kreisajā stūrī); ieraksts (kreisajā malā)

Iegādāts "Galerie Claude Bollack" (Strasbūrā) 1981. gadā.

Šis Bernāra Latunē darbs atspoguļo autora personisku politisko atmodu. Pēc Milūzas Mākslas skolas absolvēšanas, kur viņš izkopa talantu attēlot ikdienas dzīves dokumentālas ainas, B. Latunē gāja tolaik ierasto izstāžu, salonu un individuālas uzstāšanās ceļu. Pēc divus gadus ilga pārtraukuma, kura laikā viņš apguva izpletņlēkšanu militārajā dienestā, 1968. gada maijs bija patiess personisks un māksliniecisks pagrieziena punkts mākslinieka dzīvē. Kā norāda pats Latunē, tā gada notikumi Parīzē, kuros viņš iesaistījās, atmodināja viņa politisko apziņu un deva viņam jaunu brīvības sajūtu. Kopš tā laika viņa māksla atspoguļo šīs personiskās "sacelšanās". Ikdienas dzīve ir lieliska sociālo komentāru laboratorija, jo tā skar lielāko daļu cilvēku. Tādējādi B. Latunē precīzais un pat pedantiski rūpīgais ikdienas tēmu attēlojums atspoguļo viņa iekšējo dialogu. Kopš pagājušā gadsimta 80. gadiem viņš pakāpeniski koncentrējas uz vides problēmām. Piemēram, viņa veidotais apdraudēto dzīvnieku sugu attēlojums ir daļa no cikla, kas veltīts izmiršanai, ekocīdam un cilvēku destruktīvajai attieksmei pret dabu. Darbā "Intérieur de serre" ir mazāk politiska konteksta, pat ja tā vienkāršība slēpj koncentrētu telpisko kontrastu: sulīga, bagātīga, veselīga un daudzveidīga flora pastāv slēgtā telpā, cilvēka veidotā un no cilvēka atkarīgā noslēgtībā, bet ārējā pasaule aiz stikla paneļiem ir kļuvusi cilvēkam pārāk neapdzīvojama.

Intérieur de Serre


Click on the coloured dots and discover the european historical context

Browse the calendar and discover the european historical context

  • 1971
  • 1972
  • 1973
  • 1974
  • 1975
  • 1976
  • 1977
  • 1978
  • 1979
  • 1980
  • 1981
  • 1982
  • 1983
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1986
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1990
  • 1991
  • 1971

    Treaty of Luxembourg

    The Treaty of Luxembourg introduces a system of “own resources” that replaces national budgetary contributions. The European Parliament gets some say on the allocation of funds in the Community budget.

  • 1973

    First enlargement

    Denmark, Ireland and the UK become the first countries to join the European communities; more will follow in the coming years.

  • 1974

    End of dictatorship in Portugal and Greece

    The Carnation revolution brings down the authoritarian regime in Portugal and paves the way to democratic changes and accession to the European Communities.

    The military rule in Athens collapses and Greece returns to free elections and parliamentary democracy. The new government announces joining the European Communities as one of its priorities.

  • 1977

    Treaty of Brussels

    A second budgetary treaty signed in 1975 amends the budgetary procedure, extending the powers of the Parliament.

    It now gets the right to reject the Community budget and to grant discharge, i.e. approval, to the Commission for its management of the budget.

  • 1978

    Democracy in Spain

    A referendum in Spain overwhelmingly supports a new constitution setting the country on the path towards democracy.

  • 1979

    Simone Veil

    Simone Veil, former French health minister and survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp, becomes the first president of the elected Parliament, and the first woman to hold the post.

    First direct European elections

    The first direct elections for the European Parliament are held, the first international elections in history. A total of 410 members are elected across 9 countries. Socialists come out slightly ahead of the centre-right EPP but none of the groups has an absolute majority in what will become a permanent feature of European elections.

  • 1980

    Solidarność trade union strike

    The Polish trade union ‘Solidarność’, and its co-founders Lech Walesa and Anna Walentynowicz, become household names across Europe and the world following the Gdansk shipyard strikes in the summer of 1980. The union is officially formed on 17 September and plays a leading role over the next decade in bringing democracy to Poland.

    Letter from Simone Veil

    “(…) l’achat annuel de quelques oeuvres d’art devrait permettre d’encourager des artistes dont la renommée est encore limitée. Aussi, avec l’accord du Bureau du Parlement, j’envisage de faire procéder à l’achat d’oeuvres réalisées par des artistes originaires des dix pays de la Communauté.”
    Typewritten letter from Simone Veil (President of the European Parliament),
    addressed to Michel Hansenne (President and Minister of the French Community),
    December 16, 1980. (Historical Archives of the European Parliament)

  • 1981

    Enlargement: Greece

    Greece becomes the 10th member state of the European communities.

    1st round of acquisitions

    1st round of acquisitions of works of art following the declaration of Simone Veil. Acquisitions of artworks from Belgium and France.

  • 1982

    Piet Dankert

    Piet Dankert served as President of the European Parliament from 19 January 1982 until 24 July 1984.


    Acquisitions of artworks from The United Kingdom and Ireland.

  • 1983


    Acquisitions of artworks from Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Denmark.

    Altiero Spinelli present the draft treaty on European Union.

  • 1984

    Second European elections

    European elections take place for the second time. Voters elect 434 members of the European Parliament from 10 countries. Socialists get about 30% of the seats and widen the gap with the centre-right EPP (25%).

    Pierre Pflimlin

    Pierre Pflimlin served as President of the European Parliament from 1984 to 1987.

    EP report on European Union

    The European Parliament adopts a draft treaty on European Union, authored by Italian MEP Altiero Spinelli. The federalist vision in the report inspires future talks on revisions to the founding treaties.

  • 1986

    Enlargement: Spain & Portugal

    Spain and Portugal join in the “Iberian enlargement”.

  • 1987

    Henry Plumb

    Henry Plumb, Baron Plumb served as President of the European Parliament from 1987 to 1989, the only Briton to hold the post.

    Single European Act

    The Single European Act formulates the objective of creating a single market by removing barriers and harmonising standards.

    It introduces the cooperation and assent procedures that for the first time give the EP a real say on legislation, and makes the name “European Parliament” official.

  • 1988

    Sakharov Prize

    The Parliament establishes the annual Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to honour people and groups from all over the world fighting for human rights.

    South African anti-apartheid activist and future president Nelson Mandela and late Soviet dissident Anatoly Marchenko are the first laureates.

  • 1989

    Fall of the Berlin Wall

    After weeks of civil unrest, the East German authorities open the crossing of the Berlin Wall in an act that symbolises the end of communist rule in Eastern Europe.

    Enrique Barón Crespo

    Enrique Barón Crespo served as President of the European Parliament from 1989 to 1992.

    3rd European elections

    In the third elections for the European Parliament a total of 518 MEPs from 12 countries are elected. The Socialists get more seats than anyone else (about 35%).

  • 1990

    Reunification of Germany

    East Germany is reunified with the Federal Republic of Germany. Parliament welcomes 18 non-voting observers to represent the new German provinces until elections in 1994.

    2nd round of acquisitions

    Continuation of the 2nd round of acquisitions: Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Greece.

  • 1991

    Wars in former Yugoslavia

    Slovenia and Croatia declare independence from Yugoslavia. Tensions between the nations that have been part of the collapsing federation lead to violent wars for much of the following decade despite peace-making efforts by Western powers.

    2nd round of acquisitions

    Continuation of the 2nd round of acquisitions: Greece and France.