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Jan Šerých was born in Prague in 1972. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (1992-1999). During this period, he was a member of the art group Bezhlavý jezdec (Headless Rider) alongside Josef Bolf, Ján Mančuška and Tomáš Vaněk. Since the group disbanded, Šerých has enjoyed international artistic residencies in Switzerland (PROGR, Bern, 2005) and the United States (ISCP Program, New York, 2008).

Following up on minimal and conceptual trends of the 20th century, Šerých – quite surprisingly – translates formal geometry to flat surfaces. Even in his other chosen media, namely video projection and installation, a flatness remains. This approach to surface is not so much a nod to a painter’s canvas, but perhaps rather the result of the omnipresence of screens in daily life, from content consumption to artistic creation.

Communication and language are central to Šerých’s project. Central because they are challenged, with the artist questioning our capacity to translate, from words to code, from one language to another, from emotion to art, from creator to spectator. The cryptograms and numbers, Morse and other codes he uses illustrate our semiotic traditions, all while exposing their limitations, potential misuses, abuses and manipulations. From a macro perspective, his corpus captures a reflection on culture, or even civilisation. In addition to the artist’s own implementation of language, he employs machines and software, through code, bringing theoretical considerations into practical application through delegation to technology.

Recent group exhibitions include: No Art Today? New Acquisitions from the Collections of Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library, Prague City Gallery (2021); Vladimír Skrepl: Remixed & Reimagined, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague (2021); LUCA2020, Karpuchina Gallery, Prague (2020)

Recent solo exhibitions include: Cokoli II (Whatever II), Luxfer Gallery, Česká Skalice (2018); Maketa (Mock-up), Cube x Cube Gallery, Liberec (2016); Limbo, Hunt Kastner, Prague (2016); Qwerty, Sokolská 26 Gallery, Ostrava (2016); Theory of Relativity I, Soda, Bratislava, Slovakia (2014); Pustina (Desert), Berlínskej Model, Prague (2014); Čtvrt na jedenáct (Quarter Past Ten), Set Gallery, Liberec (2014); Wysiwyg, Plato, Ostrava (2014); Jan Šerých, video-room, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín (2013); Tma (Darkness), Bistro 8, Prague (2013); Cokoli (Whatever), Kabinet T. Gallery, Zlín (2013); !sey, lleH, Jelení Gallery, Prague (2013); Tisíciúhelník (Chiliagon), with Alena Kotzmannová, Fait Gallery, Brno (2012); Lies and Layers, with Esther Stocker, Hunt Kastner, Prague (2011); Dnes (Today), Etc. Gallery, Prague (2011); Nejlepší ze všech špatných řešení (Making the Best of a Bad Situation), Blansko City Gallery (2010)

Šerých lives and works in Prague.

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